Finding Your Spark
“Go out and do the work I have given you to do.” What is your calling? Your vocation?
Finding your path can be hard. Some people know it from the time they were children, and others never seem to settle. I have felt adrift most of my life, unsure where I should be going or what I should be pursuing, when all the while, God kept me on the right path. And with time and the willingness to open myself to God’s will, I have landed where I belong. Don’t get me wrong, I’m human. Every time something gets too challenging, I question things. But now, I get back on that path quicker and with more assurance and peace.
I am here – managing this Retreat Center, my brainchild, to do my part in helping my church fulfill its mission and taking care of the 42 acres blessed to us. I think about how I got here. This was a calling for me. And I feel everything I’ve done has led me here. My past jobs, social connections, time on the vestry, experiences, and other interests… I am increasingly aware of the connections in my life and how one thing leads to another. Sometimes it’s a matter of patience and biding your time until God is ready. Think of the Bible story of the Wedding of Cana when Jesus turns water into wine. Before He does, He tells the mother of Jesus “Woman, why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.” (John 2:4)
But you can always use a little earthly help to give you some clarity and direction.
Don’t know where to begin? We have “Finding Your Spark” and “Gifts Assessment” classes at Retreat to St. Thomas. We have a picturesque and peaceful 42 acres to meditate through a nature walk or labyrinth, and beautiful spaces to read inspiring texts. But most of all, we have a welcoming group ready to support you and help you along whatever path you tread.
“For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.” Philippians 2:13